
Showing posts from March, 2020

The Old Testament Sacrificial System

A Simple Overview of the MEANINGS of the Old Testament Sacrifices Reference to sacrifice is widespread throughout the Bible. Whilst the first record of offerings being made (by Cain and Abel) occurs in Gen 4:3-5, implementation of the full sacrificial system does not occur until the period of the Exodus with the erection of the Tabernacle. The types of sacrifice and the procedures associated with each of them are detailed primarily in Lev 1-7. Regulations for when to offer them are found in various parts of Leviticus and Numbers. Numerous articles may be found describing the intricacies of the sacrificial system, but in this post I want to try to present a structured overview. The sacrificial system as a whole functions to atone , that is, to bring man into harmony with God. From a New Testament perspective it could not ultimately accomplish this as 'it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins' (Heb 10:4). However the sacrificial system provided a mech